I have acquired a domain : www.dom20.com since May, and I've been figuring what to do with it.
Well, the craze of WEB2.0 and building my own social community has got over me, but I do not really know from where to start. For the time being, I've put a few pages, and one among them is a Google Map where you can try to gauge where I live!
My primary concern for the time being is how to generate income from this domain as I have to renew it in May 2008, and I also need to find another host. My current host displays its own Google ads on my pages, which I try to hide.
I have my idea how to generate income, but the results won't be immediate.
Another of my concerns is how to get a good page rank, and ranking in Google searches.
It will be tough, but I'm confident that in 1 year, my site will have atleast a Page Rank of 1.
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